Spicy gingery lemon chicken

Spicy gingery lemon chicken

Preparation time 45-50 minutes
Good for 3-4 people, it can be eaten with Rice, or Roti
The ingredients are:
1) 8 chicken drumsticks (without skin, with 2 cuts in each piece)
2) 4.5 cups of water
3) 1 cup lemon/lime juice
4) 100 gms ginger julienne
5) 40 gms green chilies julienne (approx. 20 small spicy and 2 big non- spicy)
6) 4 tsp cooking oil
7) 1.5 salt
8) 2 tsp garam masala powder
9) 2 tsp roasted cumin seeds powder
10) 1 tsp black pepper powder
11) 1.5 tsp red chilies powder
12) 2 tsp cumin seeds
1) Put a kadai on full flame and pour 4.5 cups of water, 1 cup lemon/lime juice
2) In a separate pan (pre heated and on medium flame put oil, once oil is heated, put Ginger julienne and sauté for 2-3 minutes till turn light brown.
3) Take out ginger and put them in water/lemon juice mixture in kadai and rest of the oil back to the pan again.
4) In the leftover oil add green chilies julienne and sauté for 1-2 minutes with the lid covered.
5) Take out green chilies and add them to the kadai and left over oil back to the pan.
6) Put cumin seeds in the pan with leftover oil, once cumin seeds are a little brown and start cracking take the pan off the flame and add these cumin seeds also in kadai.
7) The leftover oil is now not to be used in the dish.
8) Now on full flame put all the masalas in kadai and mix well. Cover lid and let this boil for 10 minutes.
9) Now after 10 minutes put chicken drumsticks slowly in mix and mix well, cover lid and put flame on low to medium and let it cook for 20 minutes ,stir slowly every 5 minutes in between.
10) After 20 minutes take out lid and give a slow mixture so the chicken pieces don’t break.
11) On low flame and in open kadai (without lid), let chicken cook for 15 more minutes, so that the curry becomes little thick and water evaporates a little.
12) after 15 minutes the chicken is cooked and aroma of all the spices and ginger and green chilies can felt .
All masalas have gone in the chicken pieces too.
The spicy lemon chicken is ready.

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